Tuesday, August 22, 2006

If you're going to San Francisco...

Make sure you wear a decent pair of shoes! I managed to injure my foot after my first adventurous day of walking around the city and up and down those incredibly steep hills. But despite my disability I still managed to have a fantastic time.

The first thing that struck me was the amount of homeless people – and not only were there numbers incredibly high they were everywhere and not just confined to a few different areas (Except up those hills where I imagine it’s quite hard to push a shopping trolley). It was really quite saddening – apparently it has the same homeless population of New York despite being one tenth it’s size. While we’re on statistics apparently 1 in every 5 men over the age of 15 is gay – hmmm I guess that is less of a surprise…

On that subject the scene there for the size of the city was immense. I found the gay community was so ingrained in the population that you would see openly gay couples everywhere with not even a batter of an eyelid. I also had some very enjoyable nights out thanks mainly to the incredibly large measure of spirits they do there – twas like a jack daniels with a splash of coke.

Other than looking in loads of fantastic book shops and drinking excellent coffee I also saw the sites – the painted ladies of Alamo Square (Victorian house and for all you TV junkies – where the family of ‘Full House’ lived – see pic above), Alcatraz (from the shore as all the tours were booked up days in advance), a few sites from ‘Tales of the City’, Golden Gate Park and of course the bridge. I had to wait until the last day to see the bridge as San Francisco’s infamous fog was covering it for the first 4 days. I originally intended to walk across the bridge however with my foot injury it was going to be too difficult… Ok that’s a lie – I walked a few hundred metres and freaked out because of how high up I was AND the fact I was only being protected from the drop by a waist high railing.

Oh and the Titanic exhibition had also rolled into town so checked that out. It was a good exhibition but I was blown away with the giant piece of the Titanic’s hull they had on show. It was massive and it was actually from the hull – you could see the cabin windows and everything. I was slightly obsessed with the Titanic as a boy so this was all very exciting :)

So all in all a great stop over for my impending return to Australia


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