Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Horrors of Halloween

This is Rachel who failed to turn up in halloween costume but still managed to steal someone's wig.

Ok I know Halloween was over a month ago but I've been a little delayed in getting my posts up...

My good friend Mike and his lovely housemates Aaron, Amber and Shannon hosted a bloody fantastic Halloween party in their fabulously decorated flat. After being caught on the fake cobwebs and navigating past a mummy, dead cheerleader and a hysterical leprechaun (yes that's Paul) I was able to do a superman style change into my soldier's uniform (picked earlier in the morning whilst in a drunken state with mike at the local fancy dress shop). I was complete with fake M16 and bullet belt and was luckily enough to borrow a stray army helmet. Unfortunately for Mike, Hone turned up (there's more...) wearing the exact same roman soldier's uniform! Oh the humanity!

Mike, Aaron, ?, Myself and Rachel

As always the night was a complete hoot with many a drink consumed and a song danced to. I caught a bus at 3am without a care in the world despite the fact my trousers had ripped all the way up the crotch exposing my underwear to all and sundry. I blame Rachel queen of the geordies who could no longer hide her hidden desire for me and ripped open my trousers and some stage in the evening.


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